We're back from our fabulous trip to Greece for Eid and there is lots to share, many adventures to describe (why yes, we did almost drive a Fiat-sized car down a staircase on a Greek island!), and so very much to say about the food (the FOOD!), but suddenly, I don't have time for a travelogue at the moment. School has started up again, the PTA is taking off, I've gotten a new assignment at church (online Seminary teacher, for those who know what that is), AND, biggest news of all, I've gotten a job! It's only for the next 4-5 weeks, a freelance editing gig for a local organization, but they are on a very tight schedule, so I will be working more than full-time for the next little while to meet their deadlines. I know, what?! Something has gotten in the way of my busy blogging and television critiquing schedule? Say it ain't so! Alas, I will be MIA for the next little while, so I will just leave you with the following:
(SPOILER ALERT) So far I have seen very little of the fall TV season, but I have to say I'm disappointed that it's the Mormon character who kills someone and then commits suicide on the premiere of Quantico. And why did he do this, you ask? Oh, because he slept with a 14 year old on his mission in Malawi, got her pregnant, took her to get an abortion, and then kept the secret until he cracked under the pressure of day 2 at the FBI academy. So many sighs, my friends, so many sighs. There are not enough words to describe the many ways in which this whole scenario is wrong.
And just a taste of Greece to tide you over, though there will be more to come, of course:
The Frankish Castle on Paros. |
Typical architecture on Paros. |
I had to get a new hat and new sunglasses at our first stop because
I somehow lost both between Doha and Athens. |
On our way to the Parthenon. |
Still going...it was a long walk up the Acropolis! |
Very sweaty boys at the end of that day! |
Enjoying one of our favorite meals, a giant pile of meat in the market! |
The Kerameikos cemetery, one of our favorite places. |
Up close and very personal with lemurs at Attica Zoological Park outside of Athens. |
Sounds like some writer isn't too keen on Mormons at the moment. Does online seminary teacher mean you can can teach from bed in your pajamas???