Sunday, June 7, 2015

I am the champion?

Well, in a landslide victory, I was elected PTO/PTA president (apparently there is now some debate about the name).  Did it hurt that I had emailed 10-15 teachers I know and 15-20 parents and sweetly guilted them asked them to come out and vote?  No, it did not, particularly considering I had a high rate of return on my emails and there were only about 50 people there total.  Score one for networking!

I managed to conquer my clothing issues with a black print tunic and white wide-leg pants (and no, of course I do not have a picture--I'm nothing if not consistent!).  I got so many very surprised comments from folks--"Oh, you look so NICE!"--that I started to think perhaps I should dress like a grown-up a bit more often!  Not that I dress like a teenager normally, but my usual uniform of maxi skirt, fitted tee, and flip flops could probably use a bit of classing up now and then, at least so it's not quite so much of a shock to people!  But you know what?  Nice adult clothes are so hot!  I like being cool, as in not hot, too much to change things up dramatically.  Plus, I think I had those white pants on for a grand total of 3 minutes before we left the house so they wouldn't get ruined and that's just not sustainable in my everyday life!

Anywho, now the real work begins.  We solicited all kinds of input from the parents and teachers who attended the elections, and now we need to sift through all that, decide what is and is not in our purview (International day?  Yes!  Fixing Arabic instruction?  Sadly, no.), and get a conditional plan in place for next year's events.  Starting a PTO/A from absolute scratch is going to be quite the challenge.  It's one thing to plan big events that are expected year after year, with all sorts of institutional history and knowledge, and quite another to produce meaningful events out of thin air.  My goals are going to be modest, I think, so we can under promise and over deliver, instead of the other way around.  Lil: Managing Expectations around the Globe!

I have to be careful, as usual, about how much I say about our school.  Just last month, a couple here (from another school) were jailed and charged with a crime for ranting about their school administration on Facebook, so there will be no ranting of any kind.  And, in reality, I think my current administration is doing mostly a good job, given the bureaucratic restraints at play above them.  But there is always room for improvement, and hopefully our newly energized group of parents can help with those improvements (she says with a wry, knowing smile).

Suddenly, my plate for the fall is pretty full, what with this and working with the young women at church and becoming the membership coordinator for the library where I volunteer.  But I do a lot better when I'm busy, and not being busy enough this past year has been disastrous for me, so it's time to try something new!  

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