And by signs, I literally mean signs, mostly street signs, the kind I see every day around here, with a few other fun tidbits thrown in for good measure!
I found this sign over a small section of shoes that
were actually my size and above (though not very far above,
since my size is so gigantic already). I especially like how they have
included the Qatari flag so I know who exactly thinks
my feet are so incredibly large! |
This sign is part of an ongoing public awareness campaign.
Based on the other signs in the series, all of which are about as
clear as this one, I THINK what they want to say is there is a
thin line between X risky behavior (in some other versions,
it's texting) and unsafe driving...or something like that,
but, instead, what we get is this! |
I'm not sure why humps is so much more entertaining
than bumps, but it is! |
This is prescription I filled for one of the boys.
Notice that the instructions are hand written
on the side of the box. This drives the husband crazy,
by the way, and is more than a little freaky for me, too. |
Especially when sometimes, as in this case,
I have to write them on the bottle myself!
Yep, that's my handwriting on this bottle! |
Another ongoing PSA, this one is about littering,
which makes sense (even if it is in Arabic here)... |
...although this one seems a little more unusual,
though equally important here, of course! |
Just a random goat. They are all over the roads here. |
Oh, what's that? Only a scorpion we found in our house
after our last vacation. No big deal....! In fact, this
particular scorpion was dispatched by the husband
and thrown down drain in the road outside our house,
at which point it crawled out of the drain and then
had to be killed by one of the maintenance workers with a shovel,
after he pointed to it and looked at me and said "Danger!" No kidding! |
One reason why Qatar has an obesity epidemic to rival any Western country. |
This is the housing for an air conditioner or exhaust unit
at the gas station by our house. One of the things I love
most about Qatar is how sometimes the most mundane
things can be so beautiful, like this amazing concrete work. |
These last two are from Sri Lanka, which isn't really part of
my everyday, but they are entertaining nonetheless. |
And another goat. See, they're everywhere! |
I was going to do a post on signs too. Thanks! Loved this one!